Sandflug / Sandflight

17:11 min / uhd / 5.1 / dcp / d 2023

The surf tosses sand on the beach, the wind blows it inland. Nothing remains as it is, or where it was. Everything is in motion: the 200-million-year-old sand, the dunes, the sea, and the countless creatures that make their home amongst its grains. Yet human interventions such as dikes, coastal protection measures, and sand filling have made the dynamic line between water and land inelastic and stiff.

Premiere 5.11.2023 at 13:15 at the Nordic Film Days,
Southeast Academy International Film Festival (SEAIFF) – BEST SHORT DOCUMENTARY for the Month of November 2023, Dubai Film Festival 24 – Honorable Mention, Ecozine Film Festival 2024, CINEMARE Int’l Ocean Film Festival KIEL, Iconic Images Film Festival, Nefiltravanae Kino, 4th Kerala Short Film Festival 2024 (India), FICS – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Santarém, Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano, WINNER OF MEI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, Los Angeles Movie and Music Video Awards 2024, SEAiff – Best Short DOCUMENTARY 2024, Lichtmeß, LETsDOK präsentiert, 10.09.24, 8pm, Green Screen Festival 2024, 15.9.2024, 14 Uhr, Ekotopfilm – Envirofilm, Max Sir International Film Festival 2024 Ukraine), Cinematography & Photography Awards – Nominee in the 2024 edition

Transit Exil Immigration

Transit Exil Immigration

From 21.06. – 02.07.2023 as part of the art altonale in the Altonaer Museum, Museumstraße 23, 22765 Hamburg
Opening: 06/21/2023 at 4 p.m
5 p.m.: Panel discussion with Anne Harms from Flüchtpunkt, Ahmad Ghrewati from the Seebrücke and those involved in the videos, Ekaterina Oleksjenko, Natalia Tikhonova, Heide Sanati and others.

opening hours
Mon / Wed / Thu / Fri from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m
Sat. / Sun. from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m

In cooperation with UNITED List of Refugee Deaths

Meiofauna uraufführung 31.8.22

meiofauna paradox

Lecture by Claudia Reiche
meiofauna paradoxically

World premiere of the sand gap fauna I 40 min. I D 2022

Wednesday 31 August 8:30 p.m. I Saturday 3 September 22 at 8:00 p.m
in the beach chair cinema at Dock 13 I Hamburg Övelgönne

Introduction by Dr. Claudia Reiche • Video contribution by Prof. Dr. Susanne Heise

Transit Exil Immigration in der Altonaer Bücherhalle

Transit Exil Immigration

altonale_festival of cultural diversity
Kunst im Schaufenster at Bücherhalle Altona Mercado 17. Juni – 03. Juli 2022 I 1. Kunstpreis der altonale

Kunst am Rand, artexhibition Kinderhaus Münster, 12. Juni to 25. September 2022 I


solo for a housefly

Soundinstallation, 2021

cooperation project of FRISE with the Altonaer Museum I
Exhibition. 26th november 2021 – 30th may 2022

with friendly permission of Rote Liste Zentrum

Saisonale Gäste Spaziergänger

Seasonal Guests

BODEN International Film Festival, Sweden December 2021 Semi Finalist I 15.GRAND OFF Warsaw, Poland, nominated in two categories: Best Cinematography and Best Editing I Filmfest Weiterstadt, August 12th 2021 I Deep Focus Film Festival, Brooklyn, NY – Honorable Mention I Esto Es Para Esto – International Encounter of Filmmakers 2020, February 19th 2021, Monterrey City, México I
VI Short Movie Club Film Festival UNFILTERED CINEMA, Minsk, Belarus, 3.2020 I
4th Pune Short Film Festival I 6th Goa Short Film Festival, India 2019 I
Nordische Filmtage Lübeck, 2019 I
6th Festival of Cinema and Sea Morocco 2019, Documentary Grand Prize I
Lisbon Film Rendezvous 2019 I
Festival KUNSTGRIFF ROLLE 2019 I 2. jury award, 2. audience award I
Cinalfama Lisbon International Film Festival, honorable mention in the Summer Edition 2019 I
St. Francis College Women’s Film Festival , NY, 5. April 2019, 6:30pm I Professional Documentary Award



artistic expedition in urban space I

Introduction Dr. Claudia Reiche

Exhibition 21th august to 5th september 2021

geschlossene aussichten

closed views

[grotesk – makaber – paradox]

1.8.2020, 7pm, Marktstr. 6, 20357 Hamburg


FRISE showcase gallery

Dear pedestrians and strollers,
we are pleased to present in our FRISE showcase gallery the thirdteenth in-house presentation since the end of March. From 29 June to 9 July 2020 a work by Doro Carl will be on display.

In Hamburg there are 23 exhibition venues organized by artists, which have founded the initiative Art Off Hamburg. All these places of exchange and exhibitions of art are closed for an indefinite period of time. Thus the work of the visual artists threatens to disappear from the public scene. This is why we are now using our showcase, because our work continues undiminished.

werkhauslogo 120

Probe #7

5 years Werkhaus Münzviertel I 7.march 2019 / 6pm I open house

A presentation of: Rahel Puffert, Günter Westphal: notebook # 5 I
with works of Fabian Nitschkowski, Doro Carl and multiphonics

Grounds Rising

On former railway-owned grounds the “New Heart of Altona” is being built with a public park that is meant to integrate heritage protected relics. Only that past residents from crafts, art and music who had made use of the formerly neglected landmark buildings are definitely not meant to be integrated in the new rise of the area.

37.Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg 2021 I
Bilbao ZINEBI – The city is for me – May 25th, Friday at 20:30, Sala Garabia of hACERÍA arteak I Asian Film Centre-Global Fest 10.11.17 I Werkleitz Festival Nicht mehr, noch nicht”, So 22.10.17 I 33. Internationales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg I
Stockholm Independent Film Festival, official selection I Indian World Film Festival – 17”, 18.3.2017 I 5th Dehli Shorts International Film Festival 2016, 6.11.2016 I 3.October 2016 at 11 am I Metropolis
Filmforum der Nordischen Filmtage Lübeck am 3.11.2016 at 4:15 pm, Cinestar I
Filmfest Hamburg 2016

Transit Exil

Kunst am Rande
10.June – 30.September 2018, Waldschule Münster

Videoinstallation at the Arno-Schmidt-Platz in Hamburg I
18. Juni 2016- 3. Juli, 15-19 Uhr

witth: Jina Alamsha, Jacklin Arakel, Sara Alsuleiman Al Nasser, Ibrahim Alsuleiman Al Nasser, Al Hamadan, Al Hajji, Sameh M., Sahar M., Mohsen Rezai, Mostafa Rezai, Shafiq Hussein Rezai, Heide Sanati

translation: Ali Shibly, Jina Alamsha, Adel Nafi I music: Peter Imig I
grafic design: Eva Riekehof I
webprogramming: Nils Hartlef I
in cooperation with
Dieter Söngen, berlin – raum für videokunst

see more


Festivals & Screenings

The Unnameable City at the art museum of Nanjing art university in China from 14.11.2018-09.12.2018 I
Odense International Film Festival 2018 I
Kino in Moabit -Tag der Städtebauförderung 5.-9. Mai 2018, Stadtteilladen Berlin Moabit I
Werkleitz Festival Nicht mehr, noch nicht, October 2017 I Hameln2030 am 20.01.2017 um 20 Uhr I
8. Kulturmontag am 7. November 2016 I Regensburg I
3rd Pune Short Film Festival 2013, 27 October 2013, Venue – National Film Archive of India I 5 DIY FILM FEST 2013, ACTIVism section I Warsaw, 18 to 21 July I Przychodnia Squat
29.Kurzfilmfestival Hamburg I Urban Industrial Warfare I 5.June Rialto, 7.+8.June Festivalzentrum at 8 I
resist fest in warsaw on 6-7 april 2013 I
CologneOFF 2013 India II @ CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity I 22-24 Feb 2013 – Sattal/India

Kurze Zukunft I Baugrube 360

Brief Future

In the longterm observation of the Große Bergstraße in the quarter Altona in Hamburg activists, shop owners and artists of the surrounding neighbourhood describe the massive changes within their street.
At the recent occassion of the first Ikea store within a central area of a city different visions and interests on urban development emerge. Demolition and new construction remind of already shattered gentrification strategies of Germany’s first pedestrian zone.

Premiere at the Filmfest Hamburg
5.october 2015, at 10:30 pm, Metropolis, Kleine Theaterstrasse 10, Hamburg

Nordic Film Days Lübeck I 6.11.2015 at 10.15 am, Cinestar 7, Lübeck

VISIONS DU REEL Media Library 2016

persona non data

persona non data

Fourteen people share their stories of fleeing from their native countries. By foot, on boats or with the help of escape agents, they were chased away by war, toxic gas, torture, fear and hunger.
Some are still kids, strong only through the courage of despair, led by their hopes and wishes.
Their personal stories of and experiences with their arrival in Hamburg, in the county of Pinneberg, in container camps, sleepless nights and the struggle with paperwork intertwine with a “banning space”, which subjects them to registration, restrictions and controls which are often a means to send them back either soon or sometimes even after decades.

Festivals und Screenings:

Nordic Film Days Filmforum Lübeck I 29.10 at 10:45 pm

kommunales Kino Freiburg I 16.10.14 at 7:30pm

Festival des Libertés – Bruxelles I video library I from 15 October 2014 I

Forum intercultural week Elmshorn I 17.9.14 I at 6pm I Rathaus Elmshorn, Personalkeller, Schulstraße 15-17, 25335 Elmshorn

Metropolis Hamburg I 2.7.2014 at 7pm with the guests Heide Sanati (Flüchtlingszentrum Hamburg) and
Abdulla Mehmud (Diakonie / Flüchtlingsforum Lübeck ) I 4.7.14 at 5pm

dokumentarfilmwoche hamburg 10.4.2014, 3001 Kino Hamburg

Media Library VISIONS DU REEL, Nyon I 25 avril – 03 mai 2014

zwischen welten

in between worlds

Festivals & Screenings u.a.

exDox – Experimental Documentary Film Festival I Across Day, 6.10.11, Cinema Arsenale in Pisa I
ZEIT Online

Stadtbücherei „Carl von Ossietzky“ I
Königstrasse 56, Elmshorn I
26. September bis 8. Oktober 2011 / 9. bis 21.September 2013



Eine filmische Langzeitbeobachtung der Brücke der S-Bahnstation Veddel verdichtet in 12 Minuten Beobachtungen eines Jahres auf einen Tag.
Der Ort des vorübergehenden Aufenthalts und der flüchtigen Begegnung bildet einen Laufsteg des Alltags in einem Rhythmus aus Warten, Stillstand und schneller Bewegung.

Gasthof Worringer Platz I FERNSEHZIMMER
im Ticket-Center des Fernbusbahnhofs Düsseldorf I
Opening: 29. january 2014, 7pm I
30. January – 06. April 2014

Films by women from Germany & Austria
curated by Dagmar Kamlah
September 14, 2011, 8 pm
MassArt Film Society, 621 Huntington Ave, Boston

Videoprojektion im Rahmen der Ausstellung Aussicht auf Veränderungen, vom 09.09. – 03.10.2010,
Ehemaliges Restaurant, 1. Etage, Neue Große Bergstraße 18, 22767 Hamburg

Die kunstrechnungsliebende Societät

The League of Passionate Accountants

on arte Creative

freedom roads I Münchner Stadtmuseum, 25.10.2013 – 23.2.2014

The records of the „The League of Passionate Accountants“ and the activities of wandsbektransformance – presence of the colonial give insight into the transatlantic slave trade of the merchant Schimmelmann.

Artists: Judith Haman, Gordon Uhlmann, Jokinen, Claudia Behling